Texas Pre-PT Society makes it our mission to equip UT's undergraduates with the information needed to succeed in becoming a future therapist. We connect you with representatives from Texas DPT programs and provide you with personal tips and resources from upperclassmen for building your resume
What We Do
Throughout the academic year, we host a speaker series in which representatives from the various Texas PT schools come and discuss their PT program, highlighting what makes their program stand out from the rest. Representatives address a myriad of topics including but not limited to the following:
1. Application process
2. Statistics and data of accepted applicants
3. Background of faculty and staff
4. Benefits, opportunities, and advantages offered
5. Current events relevant to the healthcare field
As a Pre-PT Society member, you are kept up-to-date on any changes that are made by PT programs, debuts of new Texas PT schools, and/or shadowing and job opportunities that become available in PT clinics within the Austin area.
Peer counseling amongst members is also available with upperclassmen mentoring lowerclassmen, offering helpful recommendations, advice, and encouragement. Conversations could address various topics such as prerequisites for admission, application procedures, and observation experience.
Pre-PT Society provides numerous opportunities for its members to volunteer and give back to the community through numerous charity events such as the Autism Project and racing events. In addition, Pre-PT Society informs its members of various opportunities for shadowing physical therapist within Austin.
Pre-PT Society hosts various social events ranging anywhere from co-ed intramural sports and race teams to group trips to PT programs and social outings. The IM sports we have participated in in the past include:
1. Flag Football
2. Soccer
3. Volleyball
Race events we have been involved with in the past include the following:
1. Race for the Cure
2. Longhorn Run
3. Livestrong
Social outings vary widely from casual dinners and dance outings to rock climbing and bowling. Feel free to contact our social chair with any ideas and suggestions concerning other social opportunities and events!